Set Up Computer
If she is in her bed or sitting in a chair, her laptop should be placed on the rolling table and the power cord connected.
[Skip to powering up and logging on]
The wireless mouse and keyboard will automatically connect. There is a little Bluetooth adapter in the side of her laptop. The port for the power supply is right there too. Both should be connected (the Bluetooth piece should never be taken out).
The lap desk should be arranged so that her wrists rest on the cushion, and her hands can easily get to the mouse and keyboard. The mouse might be in the side drawer of the lap desk. If the lap desk isn’t stable, maybe a pillow or two on the sides.
The mouse has an on-off slider on the bottom. It should just stay on.
The mouse and keyboard are powered by AAA and AA batteries. Extras are in the mouse drawer.
There is a thin cover of protective silicone on the keyboard. If Marlene just can’t manage with it, it can come off. But maybe better to keep it on to keep detritus out of the keyboard. TBD.
Now it’s time to power up (if not already running) and log on.
Put Away Computer
If the computer is in the way and needs to go away (e.g., mealtime), the computer can go on the lap desk with the keyboard on top. There is a little drawer on the lap desk right side that can hold the mouse.
If the computer can stay plugged in, then just close it.
If the computer can’t stay plugged in please power it down, then close the lid and stack it on the lap desk. Put the keyboard on top of the laptop. Then the lap desk can be moved somewhere out of the way.