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Marlene loves Facebook content. Her FB identity is TomandMarlene Kovo. If you post on her feed, or use the @user tagging functionality of FB, she is more likely to see your post.

Send her an email. She loves it when she gets email that’s not spam.

She loves the artistic creations of her family members and friends. Joe has created bookmarks for her Chrome browser for some of these. Suggestions for more are welcome. The strategy is to create a browser link to anything we’d like her to be able to access regularly. Joe will work on making your content available by creating a bookmark to it for her browser. If the content isn’t online and so requires staging first, we can do that too (it might take a minute to make it happen).

And don’t forget about the Frameo solution that Mike and Dana put in place. This is an excellent way to get photos in front of her even when she is not computing! I won’t post the original instructions here (given that this is a publicly accessible website and some personal information was in the instructions provided), but you can email Mike for steps to load your photos for Marlene.