Marlene’s New Computing Setup

Marlene has a new computer and some accessories (as of May 2024).

Newer computer with larger screen, not at a desk

The purpose of the change in her compute setup is to better allow her to keep doing those online things that she likes to do, even though her PD is working against her.

Lap desk, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse. These can sit on her lap instead of needing to balance the laptop itself.

A lap desk, wireless keyboard, and wireless mouse

The new setup for her Windows desktop is very simple. The intent is that everything she does with her computer should be accessible from a bookmarked web link. Even items stored locally on her computer can be linked in her browser. She is less likely to accidentally delete a linked item than a file or folder on her desktop.

Technology change can be hard for any of us, and more so for an octogenarian, which is why help from the people around Marlene is important. She’s simply not going to be able to do what she wants to do without help.

Maybe this new setup works for her. Probably it will need improvements through trial and error over time. Either way, her computer has been a big part of her window into the rest of the world. Gotta give it a shot.