About Marlene Online

This is about Marlene’s ability to continue to experience her family and the world using online resources, despite her PD challenges. She needs help to do that, so let’s help her. This site has info that can help us help her.

It was PD that led her from the kitchen and garden to the internet. Now it’s the same PD that makes computing so much harder. Loss of motor control for mouse and keyboard. Loss of voice control for voice recognition. Reduction in hearing and sight. These conspire to keep her from accessing her online activities.

The solution is a lot of help from those around her, and a more PD-friendly computing setup ought to help some too.

When you are with her, you can help her use her computer.

If you are not with her, you can provide content or suggest improvements.

Another challenge has been her office desk. She loved to spend time there, watching her birds and flowers. Or doing some web surfing. But sitting at that desk in an office chair is no bueno for her body. They had to go (thanks Diane and Mike).